_nology is committed to encouraging greater diversity and inclusion in the tech sector. The following questions support _nology’s approach to communicating in as inclusive a way as possible and measuring our impact on diversity and social mobility for the tech sector. Your responses do not affect your application to _nology, and you have the option to select 'Prefer not to say' at each question. We appreciate your participation and please do let us know on talent@nology.io if there are any reasonable adjustments you need us to make.
If you have one, please share a link to either your LinkedIn or Github or write N/A *
Which age category do you fall into? *
Which of the following best reflects how you would describe your gender identity? *
What is your sexual orientation? *
Do you identify as a person with a disability or other chronic condition? *
This question relates to your sense of identity/belonging on the basis of race/culture. Please select how you would describe yourself from the list below: *
What type of school did you attend for the majority of your education? *
Are you amongst the first generation in your family to attend university? *
Have you ever received government-funded free school meals? *
Do you have the right to work in the UK? *
What is your current right to work status? *
If you have a visa, please let us know what type and the current expiry date here. Otherwise put N/A *
Do you have previous work experience or higher education in a STEM subject/area (Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths)? *
Which of these options best apply to you as you are applying for the _nology Programme? *
Do you have a background in computing/coding? i.e accredited courses, previous bootcamps/training. *
Do you identify as being Neurodivergent? *
Are you willing to relocate within the UK for your job placement? *
If you feel you would like to add some detail to your above answer regarding relocation, please do here. Otherwise please type "N/A." *
Do you have a criminal record we should know about that would flag on a background check? *